Farm Market

Gatzke Orchard’s bustling farm market and fruit stand serves visitors from around the World and Okanagan locals. each May to September with the diversity of a flourishing Orchard, Farm Market and Bakery.

On your quest for local produce, bring your appetite, some extra time, and make a point to try the ‘Oyama Fire‘ salsa! A multitude of value-added products, made from the lush abundance of the Farm & Orchard, await you.

Don’t miss out on Grandma Gatzke’s Vintage Recipe for superb pies, circa 1941. We haven’t changed a thing and her Great-Granddaughters create from her perfected combination, to this day.

Oh…and yes, we have Ice Cream :)

Opens May Long Weekend!

Open 9am-5pm, seven days a week

We are located where the Isthmus creates an earthen crossing between Kalamalka and Wood Lakes, in Oyama, ‘The Heart of the Okanagan’.

Visit Us
Work With Us

Gatzke Orchards is committed to Foodism as an overarching theme of The Farm

It’s about You and how what we grow, enhances your well-being. For us, its a deeply ingrained set of values.  The result of 4 generation’s experience respecting and working with nature, striving to produce high quality fruit in the most natural and sustainable way while reducing our carbon foot print.

How?  Trees and gardens are the core of Our Family Farm. We monitor, touch and nurture them, honouring the seasons and their cycles, throughout their lives. We compost and create bio-char to feed the land, that grows the food to feed our Family, and Yours!  We monitor for pests in The Orchard, and bait them whenever possible.

This is posted throughout The Farm, reminding workers and guests alike, of our commitment to FLOS [Fresh*Local*Organic*Sustainable]

Thank YOU for supporting a Family who proudly farm for a living! #AgriCULTURE

100M Diet

Key Descriptor for 100M Diet Garden : From where you sit and enjoy your food, you see where it was grown!

The Gatzke Farm Philosophy uses as much farm product as possible ~ most often from within 100M of where you enjoy it!

As for the 100 Mile idea [as in that other diet…] we do our best to stay closer to home & grow the local

economy for the betterment of all.

Supporting local farms & small producers, is important to us!

Thank YOU for supporting Family Farms!

Savour your fruitstand bounty under the grape arbour in the picnic area adjacent to the Orchard Café ~ we call this ‘The Thicket’ ~  it is a wonderful place to sit and visit with friends.  Fresh local food and refreshments just taste better!