Oyama goes Boom Boom!

What a night! What a show!

The Boom Booms eventually arrived in Oyama via the new Highway 97 that just opened, around and back again through on to the Pelmewash Parkway after being pulled over by the police regarding the new speed limit. While there are some issues still to iron out with the new highway fans of the Boom Booms made no mistake to arrive and fill the venue!  Once they hit the Big Blue Stage – fire!!!

The close to 200 music fans who arrived in Oyama to hear the Boom Booms were treated to a great musical evening. The band played fan favourites like “Lonely” and “You Know” from their ‘Hot Rum’ album plus new songs from their upcoming album with producer Chin Injeti like “Real Love” that already sounds like a classic.

“The Boom Booms concert goes down as one of the classic top concerts we’ve ever had in the orchard,” Big Al Gatzke.

A classic indeed. It was a perfect night and the sky was midnight bright while the dance floor bounced and swayed to the bands infectious beats. The songs felt like we all knew them for years and their rhythm kept us dancing all night long. We’re still listening to the album around the orchard!

They warmed us up as the sun was slowly starting to set and then when they hit the stage for their second set you knew it was going to be a special night. The band was tight, entertaining, funky, rocking and they had a great set of songs to perform. The vocals and melodies were golden and the audience were prevy to a classic Boom Boom performance, as it was their last show before heading south of the border for some more shows.

It was a unforgettable show and we hope to have the Boom Booms back next summer!
Thanks Geordie, Aaron, Theo, Richard, Sean & Tom.

Champion Sound!!!

'Gaia' Rocks Farm2Chefs

Shelley Robinson was passing by Gatzke Orchard one day when she spotted “Gaia”, our wood burning oven. As Executive Chef at the Delta Sun Peaks Resort in Kamloops, Shelley was preparing to take part in the 2013 Farm2Chefs fundraiser event taking place at Sun River Organics farm.


The event takes over a farm for the day, invites the public, and lets the chefs show off the best of what the farmers/producers offer. Chefs create tasty one-bite dishes. Local wineries and breweries pour the finest of beverages. Enjoy live entertainment and children’s activities. The public gets to interact directly and the money raised goes towards the farm2chefs Grant, available to farmers and local food security groups.

Gaia was a big hit! The Delta cooking crew was unstoppable sometimes filling the oven with eight or more pizza’s as they cranked out hundreds to the happy guests.

Troubadour Shannon Lyon at Gatzke

Canadian Troubadour Shannon Lyon at Gatzke Orchard Sunday, July 28, 2013

Shannon Lyon performs at the Gatzke Orchard this Sunday, July 28th, part of a 24-date tour taking him from Ontario to Vancouver Island. Over the years, he has toured and shared the stage with artists like Ray LaMontagne, Lucinda Williams, Blue Rodeo and Bruce Cockburn.

“I’m excited to see Shannon Lyon perform again after all these years,” says Joseph Pinheiro, Event Manager at Gatzke Orchard.

“I was working at PolyGram Music in Toronto and tried signing Shannon when he released his first couple albums, “Buffalo White” and “Mods Rule”- I still think he is one of Canada’s best kept secrets too. I’m looking forward to the Okanagan discovering his great songs.”

Lyon is looking forward to his Oyama debut as well.

“I’m looking forward to the show indeed, especially looking forward to getting reacquainted with someone who believed in me since my first album was released back in 1994. Thank you JP!”

“This is my first full Canadian tour since the middle 90’s. After spending the past 13 years living in Europe I feel like a young man again, falling in love with this beautiful country all over again! Taking all the risks and all the pleasures!”

Shannon’s most current album “Broken Things” is a very raw and stripped down album echoing the Buffalo White era. The album is out on Busted Flat Records. If you can’t catch him in Oyama check out the rest of his tour dates.

July 25 – Salmon Arm, BC @ The Shuswap Pie Company
July 26 – Kelowna, BC @ Minstrel Cafe
July 28 – Oyama, BC @ Gatzke Orchard (6-9pm)
July 31 – Vancouver, BC @ Arts Club Backstage Lounge w/Lindsay May
Aug o1 – Duncan, BC @ The Duncan Garage Showroom
Aug o2 – Ladysmith, BC @ Short Close Song Shelter w/Ryan McMahon
Aug o3 – Victoria, BC @ Victoria House Concerts w/Ryan McMahon www.victoriahouseconcert.com
Aug o8 – Port Alberni, BC @ Char’s Landing w/Ryan McMahon
Aug o9 – Gabriola Island, BC @ The Surf Pub
Aug 1o – Coombs, BC @ Coombs Fairgrounds (outdoors) w/ Ryan McMahon

Joseph Pinheiro
Event Manager
Gatzke Orchard

Get to know MATT MASTERS

Artist Spotlight

I must first admit that I’m not a hardcore country music fan. While I appreciate some of the greats of traditional country like Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, George Jones, Hank Williams and Willie Nelson, I barely listen to any of it. But the first time I saw Matt Masters perform at the Railway Club in Vancouver – I was a fan.


Matt simply knows how to gently work a room until he has the audience joining him in a sing a long. He entertains you with his wit and humour, educates you about great western history stories and then shocks everyone when they hear his warm, deep crooning voice.

Matt is also a music fan and I think that is why we’ve known each other as long as we have. He is a big champion of Canadian music and is always supporting and promoting other acts.


I spoke to Matt recently, who lives in Calgary with his wife and child. It’s been a tough go lately with the floods but he’s looking forward to hitting the Big Blue Stage!

“In the past month I spent two weeks as a flood evacuee, another week cleaning my dad’s and my friend’s houses in Calgary and High River, then dove into 14 straight days of playing cowboy songs 6 hours a day at the Stampede. I’m really looking forward to coming out the orchard to play some beautiful music by the lake in a peaceful setting and sharing some stories about life as a 21st Century Country and Western troubadour.”

Matt Masters performs live in Oyama on the Big Blue Stage.
Sunday July 21st/2013
Matt Masters Concert


Happy Canada Day Weekend!!


What a couple of weeks we’ve had here on the orchard! The whole gang here at Gatzke Orchards have been busy little bees as the taste of summer is finally in the air. With over 50 varieties of fruit on the orchard, we’ll soon be tantalizing your tastebuds with our famous cherries!

Life. The Okanagan Way!

We’ve had a steady flow of international visitors coming to visit us the last couple of weeks leading up to Canada Day 2013. This past month we hosted the Oyama Traditional School 7th Grade graduation party and Louise & Mike launched our 2013 wedding season with a fun-filled celebration!

We are also excited to announce that we opened the doors to the new LAKE COUNTRY VISITOR CENTRE, now located at the Gatzke Orchard entrance.

The Lake Country Visitor Centre staff has been hard at work preparing for the summer season. For the first time in Lake Country history, the centre hosted a Familiarization Tour on June 25th. Staff and volunteers of both the Lake Country and Kelowna offices participated in this exciting and informative day.  The FAM Tour trained our staff about the various tourist attractions around the community. Visiting the sites and experiencing what they have to offer really provides the staff with their own personal connection and understanding of the variety of activities there are to do in this region. 

All of the sites visited on the FAM tour were very welcoming and ecstatic about the opportunity to showcase their business. They recognize the value of these tours and really provided our staff with some unforgettable memories.


This coming weekend our 2nd Woodstock Revival returns to kick off our summer music series with a 3-day festival. Doors open July 5th at 4:00 p.m. Fun for the whole family, the Woodstock Revival will be jammed packed with classic music, great food and drinks, contests and all the peace, love and happiness you can handle! Don’t miss it!

Here are some more of our summer concerts this summer.






Keep up to date on our summer events, farm market specials, restaurant happenings and all the summertime fun on our ‘orchard by the lake.’ GO EVENTS

Thanks again for stopping by our website. Get ready to GO for it this summer!